A quick fun shot made at home during the covid quarantine--sephiroth! the one winged angel. *** For months I've been hearing good things about the FFVII remake; like a good RPG lover, I wanted badly to try it out--but without a PS4 (and honestly, dozens of games on the queue) all I could do was visit the youtube cave and watch some videos of the gameplay and whatnot. One day as I researched the work of toy photographer Felix Hernandez Rodriguez, I suddenly remembered that many years ago I bought a Play Arts Sephiroth based on the Advent Children movie, which I never bothered putting on display after having kids. The stars aligned one day, and I found myself with just enough time to bring out the lights and haphazardly build up a micro studio in my son's room, and began shooting. It ain't perfect; I debated whether to even upload it--but done is better than perfect; the next one will be better!